Let's Build, Oklahoma!

The Oklahoma Housing Stability Program (HSP) provides 0% interest construction loans for the new construction of single-family homes and for single and multifamily rental housing. Applications are being accepted for both the Oklahoma Homebuilder and Increased Housing Program.

Chinh Doan from News on 6 in Tulsa reports on the July 2024 Oklahoma Housing Stability Program awards. Green Country Habitat for Humanity will build 10 homes in Wagoner with their loan. "We're hoping this is just a drop in the bucket for what we plan to do in Wagoner in the future, but we're excited to offer those first 10 homes to families,” said Green Country Habitat's Karyn Weitl.

Housing Stability Program Fact Sheets

Application Materials

Via a rigorous application process, the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program awards construction loans to developers, facilitating the creation of new for-sale and rental homes throughout the state.

Applicants will receive points if their proposed development is located in one of these counties.


Additional Consumer Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance

The Oklahoma Housing Stability Program will offer $40 million for Consumer Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance. This program benefits individuals and families purchasing homes as their primary residence in Oklahoma. Grants of 5% of the total loan amount for down payment and closing costs will be made available to buyers purchasing homes produced by the Oklahoma Homebuilder Program or the Oklahoma Housing Trust Fund.

Existing Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance 

OHFA Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance


Contact Us for More Information

Eli Vargas
Housing Stability Program Administrator
[email protected]

Darrell Beavers
Housing Development Director
[email protected]

Corey Bornemann
Housing Development Program Manager
[email protected]

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